The following blogs were all written about my previous small garden on the Clapham/Balham borders in London. And this was the Welcome video.
On first looking into Ebay and PayPal – with apologies to John Keats
Written by Rosie CatherwoodMuch have I travelled through the Internet
And many Google sites and pages seen;
Through many searches have I been
For likely purchases I need to vet.
Oft of two sites I’d heard but yet
On EBay I had never been
Nor PayPal used in this demesne
‘Til antique tiles I had to get.
Then felt I like some watcher of the skies
When a new world comes into her ken,
With reclamation yards and private buys
As far afield as York and Penn
Who yield their goods, to my surprise,
More swift and cheap than shop-based men.
So now I’m charged with power and might
To buy and sell at my own will
It really is an awesome thrill
This new world order seems so right!
A pallet firm I’ve found on site
Called Speedshift, and for a small bill
Your order they will more than fill
They’ll even do it overnight.
So now I’ve also sold, yippee,
Old tiles and borders I don’t need.
Buying power it seems to me
S’been shifted, I hope we’re all agreed,
By EBay, PayPal - and they’re free!……………….. well almost.
The cuckoo is still silent. Frogs and toads have yet to populate the pond – normally the first sign of the end of winter – and I am still wearing more layers than a good filo pastry. Yet today, in the first sunshine for weeks, a Red Admiral butterfly came to bask on my Choisya ternata “Sundance” in all its red, black and white splendour. It is still only about 12 degrees C. in the sun (and very cold out of it), and my butterfly and moth books tell me the Red Admiral arrives from Southern Europe in May to October.
I don’t know what to think. Is this a lone migrator pushed North by winds? Has it over-wintered through the snow in one of my insect houses around the garden? Or is this the result of something much greater ie climate change? A friend has just seen a flock of 20-30 waxwings feeding on old figs and ivy berries in her garden in Clapham, London – they should be on the east coast, if anywhere here the moment.
However, the rest of the garden is doing roughly what it should at this time of year. Everything spring and summer flowering is budding, especially the roses and many of the clematis. Tulips and daffodil leaves are about six inches up, the Viburnum is just beginning to wake, deciduous leaf buds are ripening all over and the Camelia are in fat bud, but only the Daphne, Snowdrops and Rosemary are actually in flower.